Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Forgotten Dream

The Forgotten Dream

When we were young, among

the first few compositions teachers asked us to do would likely be :-
“What do you want to be when you grow up?”  or
“My ambitions”
Sometimes, teachers made us draw our dream and aspirations.

Children are taught to have a dream, a wish list of how things will be in the future.
Students are shaped by teachers to have targets, goals and dreams. Every year, during student appraisal, teachers will check their dreams.
Kids are asked by parents to set wishes upon the star, far and high enough for them chase their whole life through.
Whenever we meet a child, other than their age, we are likely to ask for their dream of what they aspire to be.
To every adults, we know life is just a chasing of the wind, and yet we have to pursue something and it is important where and how we chase our dream.
Dream gives us purpose and sense of being and we know we are just happy chasing a dream and getting there is sweet.

As soon as the composition “My ambition” is completed, submitted and marked, it is forgotten and shelved.
Put away, a little bit like skeleton in the closet. Most of us, will forget that composition for the rest of our life.
We forgot about it when we got our test papers marked. So much energy was on correcting the mistakes made.
We forgot about it when teachers gave us spelling tests everyday for every languages that we learn – English, Chinese and Malay.
We forgot about it when we go to tuitions, one after another, right after schools and weekends too.
We forgot about it when tests and exams are one after another, as if school is all about results shown in our marks.
We forgot about it when we started playing sports, every child dream to be the Star of a sport, all glamour and nice.
Every boy dream to be David Beckham, Ronaldo, Lee Chun Wei. Every girl likes to be a princess and queen of her own rights.
We forgot about it when we played our first games, so addictive, it is just like a game of life.
Seconds turn to minutes, minutes turn to hours, hours turn to days and nights, days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months and months turn to years.
Seasons come and seasons go. In the end, life is like a merry-go-round of chasing the wind.
No matter what and however we pursue our lives, We end up pursuing our dreams through and through, all our lives, we make a pledge to go nearer to our dream, day by day, slowly but surely.
Only when we have achieved our goals and reached our targets, then we say we have realised our dream. Then we are trully satisfied. Some say its Actualisation !
Some take a lifetime to get there, some has found the short-cut.
Sadly, some never quite made it there, life is too short for them or they have ran out of steam

Note : 512 Words

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