Wednesday, October 16, 2019

21st Century Living

I have always given myself a long To-Do List, one that I cannot cope to complete. So here is a journal to see if I could beat myself at my own game.

Here is a record trying to rectify and ensure that I have not wasted too much time. Journal for the busy days.

16 October 2019 
6:45 am Sent Bel to school
7:00 am Shopping at Thai Seng for meat and vegetables
7:30 am Emailing Reports, Whatsapp Messages, Listen to YouTube Motivation Talks and Michelle


11:00 am Brunch and more videos on Touriam Sabah

12:30 pm Wrote the blog on the Lost Son and did google search and shared with groups.

2:35 pm Late Korean Noodle Lunch and Shower

I like the chewy noodle but I dont like the hot spicy taste.

3:00 pm Shower
3:25 pm Pick up Bel and take a nap
6:30 pm Dinner
7:30 pm Internet Time

Conclusion : I did not get to do what I really need and should do. I delay yet again. Being online sucks up time, even writing or tidying up a blog post can take 2 hours ! So, think again, what is priority!