Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A day into MOC work at home

Life during MOC has to be very intentaional. Every small deatils have to be planned, if possible, carefully planned, beautifully executed to ensure minimise conflict and reduce mis-communication. I think the first ten days of our family MCO, I was working FULL-TIME, day and night on the COVID-19 Web Resources data gathering, online forms, persuading agencies to use, checking the data, deciding how to analyse, that was whole day job! There was little rest. Day time, I was required to go over to do some works, mostly digitally related, creating social media. I am glad those days are over and I could catch up on sleep after that 2 weeks.

Just a glimpse into one of my working day during Malaysia MCO 18 March to 14 April 2020.

Today is 2 April, a day after April Fool and I really hope all these CORONA Virus was just a joke but it it sadly no. It feels like this is World War 3 happening worldwide, the weapon is biological As to what happened on 1 April, our juvenille dog Nif has given birth to 6 puppies under the pandan coconut tree during the early hours. On 1 April, the whole day while working at home, in front of the laptop, attending a Zoom Meeting, Nif was like a mad dog, fiercely guarding her puppies, fighting any other dog going near her nest.

Anyway, that was yesterday story. I started doing 30 to 60 minutes exercise using a YouTube Walk and that got me physically work out a bit and tired and that forced me to sleep earlier. So by 5am, I usually will wake up (if I sleep around 11pm).

I woke up and decided to reply Whatsapp messages and having discussions with various people. If I do not break this, I could do this the whole day. So I need to set in my mind what to do other than writing Whatsapp Messages.

5:30 am Start the day doing the work and blog posts
Learn Trello (2 Videos)
Tidy up Posts in Blog

 9:00 am Breakfast by my kids (fried egg with bread, sometimes ham or hotdog)
10:00 am Shower and get ready as I need to attend meeting 3pm today at office
11:45 am Cook lunch - fried Noodle, Mix the Artisan Bread (which needs 3 hours to rise). I plan to let it rise as I go to work later.
12:30 pm Lunch Break while checking Whatsapp messages and posting to webpage
Prayer for Joseph and Annie

2:40 pm Went to office for special discussion
7:00 pm Back Home, Roast Chicken Wings /
Tidied up one part of Kitchen Top, I really need to set this an a goal.

7:45 pm Dinner
8:30 pm Data Tidying, Artisan Bread 2nd Rise, Shower
9:30 pm Baked Bread / Continued work
1:30 am Sleep