Monday, January 19, 2015

Death, Death, where is thy sting ?

Death is a awakening experience for those who mourn the loss. To the deceased, everything cease to be. What is left is just to rest in eternity. But to those who surround and mourn, it is a very decisive moment of change in their lives. There is so much to ponder upon. Life freezes at that moment in time, the body and mind felt trapped in a time zone of the living and the dead. Both realms are real and the mind cannot comprehend the void of the heart, crying out.

Death has a way of waking us up, those who attend the Wake, gets a Wake-up Call from life itself. It forces you to stop all that you are doing; stop dreaming, there is no time for that for now; stop being competitive for it is not important; stop hating; stop holding grudges.

Death is grace shown to the living. It reminds them, they still have time, time to mend that relationship, time to seek for forgiveness, time to forgive, time to let go, time to tear down srong holds, time to build up, time to live again !

Death is eternal to the deceased. Everything stops hereafter, there is no more living on this earth but memories linger on, kindness treasured close to the hearts of the loved ones. It does not make one disappear from the earth, yes, in physical state, one is gone, no more ! But in the mind and the heart, the deceased memories lives on and on in the lives of those whom they have touched. The dead will live forever in the hearts.

Death is special to the one and only one who has conquered death, the man who died and rose again, walked on earth again, breathed and ate of earth's harvest. Through that special death, all men are given a chance to be born again and live eternally with Him.

Death reminds of us hope in a reunion in a not so distant future, with all our loved ones, those whom we adored, transcending all generations, meeting and having them all at the same time and and in one singular space. A true transcend experience.

1 Corinthians 15:55-57New International Version (NIV)

55 “Where, O death, is your victory?
    Where, O death, is your sting?”
56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 
57 But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Since death has been conquered by this one man, Lord Jesus Christ, our trust and hope should be on Him and He is more than able to bring us through this life abundantly and into the next in glorious riches. Death is not welcomed but it is inevitable for every living beings on this earth. There is no exception but to all who believe in Him, there is hope and peace in the life ever after.

Note :- 491 words

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