- 1kg Taro/Yam
- 400g sugar
- 180ml vegetable cooking oil
- 1.Discard taro skin, try to get rid of the hard skin else paste will not be fine and smooth.
- 2. Cut into pieces and steam until soft. Test the steamed taro by using a chopstick or fork if taro breaks easily, taro is cooked.
- 3. Mash or blend the steamed taro when hot. If Taro gets cool down, mashed taro has more particles texture not so smooth.
- 4. Blend until taro feels fine and smooth without particles feeling.
- 5. Add in sugar and vegetable oil into a pot and cook over the stove
- 6. Stir and cook the mixture for about 15-20 minutes.
- 7. When the mixture turns into dough form and not so sticky, paste is ready.
- 8. Cool down and leave aside to serve as moon cake fillings.
- Tips:
- Choose bigger Taro, the bigger the better. Test freshness of Taro by scribing the bottom of the taro, if powdery feeling the Taro is good.
- Espresso Jelly Mooncake
Milk Jelly
25g sugar
1.5tsp agar-agar powder
130ml water
70ml milk
50ml evaporated milk
Espresso Jelly
2.5tsp agar-agar powder
500ml espresso coffee (I dissolved 4Tbsp of espresso in hot water and mix with milk)
50g sugar
Recipe for mock egg yolk can refer to the previous post.- Boil (A) till sugar dissolves. Pour into small mould to set slightly. Insert mock egg yolk slices into the milk jelly.
- Bring (B) to boil.
- Pour 1/4 of (B) into agar agar mooncake mould. Set slightly. Place in milk jelly and fill up the mould with balance espresso mixture. Chill till set before unmoulding.
Jelly Moon Cake
10g Konnyaku jelly powder180g of fine sugar
1000ml of water
pineapple cubes
ruby grapes, halved
green kiwi, cubed
1. Mix Konnyaku jelly powder with sugar.2. Bring 1000ml of water to a boil. Gradually pour in the mixture in boiling water and stir well until mixture is dissolved .
3. Put cut pieces of fruits into moulds and pour the Konnyaku solution into the moulds.
4. Put moulded jelly solution in the fridge for at least one hour. Serve chilled.

Snow Skin Mooncake Recipe
Makes 8 Mooncakes
Mooncake Skin
130g Cooked Glutinous Rice Flour (Gao Fen) Sifted
160g powdered sugar
130 ml boiled carrot, dragonfruit juice or screwpine leaves juice
2 Tbsp fresh milk
1 Tbsp shortening (I use Crisco)
160g powdered sugar
130 ml boiled carrot, dragonfruit juice or screwpine leaves juice
2 Tbsp fresh milk
1 Tbsp shortening (I use Crisco)
1 kg Moocake paste (Red Bean, Lotus, Green tea)
80g melon seeds (lightly toasted)
80g melon seeds (lightly toasted)
Note: The filling is available at bakery supply shop in Malaysia and Singapore. For those of you who wants to make the lotus paste, you can get the recipe from here.
Squeeze the juice and heat till boiling point. Cool the juice in fridge for about 4-6 hours.
Sieve together the icing sugar and cooked glutinous flour.
Add in the shortening. Combine until the mixture resembles bread crumbs.
Add in the juice and milk. Mix to a soft and smooth dough. Let it rest for 10 minutes.
Divide the dough in 60g and roll into a ball. Wrap each ball with cling wrap until ready to use.
Sieve together the icing sugar and cooked glutinous flour.
Add in the shortening. Combine until the mixture resembles bread crumbs.
Add in the juice and milk. Mix to a soft and smooth dough. Let it rest for 10 minutes.
Divide the dough in 60g and roll into a ball. Wrap each ball with cling wrap until ready to use.
Add melon seeds to mooncake paste.
Roll it tightly into a ball of 120g each.
Add melon seeds to mooncake paste.
Roll it tightly into a ball of 120g each.
To make Mooncakes
Lightly dust hands with cooked glutinous rice flour. Flatten the dough. Place the filling into the center of the dough.
Wrapped it up tightly and seal the edges.
Put in a floured mooncake mould. Tap and remove it.
Chill for at least 6 hours before serving.
Wrapped it up tightly and seal the edges.
Put in a floured mooncake mould. Tap and remove it.
Chill for at least 6 hours before serving.
Traditional Chinese Snow Skin Mooncake with creamy custard filling
8 hours
∙ Makes 16
Canned Goods
- 185 g Milk or unsweetened coconut milk
- 1 1/2 tbsp Custard powder
Pasta & Grains
- 1/2 cup Wheat starch
- 20 g Wheat starch
Baking & Spices
- 1/2 cup Granulated sugar
- 1/3 cup Rice flour, glutinous
- 45 g Rice flour, glutinous
- 35 g Rice flour
- 40 g Sugar or sugar, powder
Oils & Vinegars
- 18 g Vegetable oil
- 2 tbsp Butter, unsalted
- 100 ml Milk
Avocado Soymilk Jelly Mooncake
September 6, 2016
After seeing so many responses from my Dragonfruit Coconut Jelly Mooncake last week, here's sharing a healthy combinations. Avocado Soymilk Jelly Mooncake. All natural colouring, no artificial colouring. Nice pastel green hues as the outer skin, pairing with soymilk white fillings inside.

Avocados have been cultivated since 8000 BC and they are valued for their delicious taste and amazing health benefits. One avocado can have twice the potassium of a banana. They have a creamy, rich & fatty texture and blend well with various other ingredients. Can be use a bread spread, add to the salad or eat it on it's own.
- high in essential vitamins & minerals
- contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fats
- rich in potassium for helping maintain normal blood pressure
- promote healthy bones with their Vitamin K content
- give our body a natural lift of energy from B Vitamins
- contain anti-inflammatory properties
- promote good digestion with their fiber content & weight management
- helps keep eyes healthy & maintain healthy skin
- lower cholesterol
- rich in folic acid (especially good for women & women trying to conceive & important during pregnancy for the developing baby)
Ingredients: (makes 4 pcs)
210ml Sweetened Soy Milk (I'm using packet type)
1 tsp Agar-Agar Powder (Pearl Mermaid Brand)
1 pc Pandan Leaves
* You need 4 small cups. Try putting the cups into the mooncake mould to make sure it fits nicely into the center of the mooncake. You can also use silicon small tart mould.
(No sugar needed as Soymilk already sweetened)
100ml Water
160ml Fresh Milk
15g Sugar
1 1/2 tsp Agar-Agar Powder (Pearl Mermaid Brand)
1/2 Avocado
2 pcs Pandan Leaves
You will need : 1 x 4pcs mooncake jelly mould

Step by Step to make Soymilk Inner Filling
1. In a pot, bring soymilk, pandan leaves & agar-agar powder to a boil.
(I'm using measurement spoon from Daiso)
2. Once the mixture starts bubbling & agar-agar melted, discard pandan leaves & turn off heat.
3. Pour into small cups and leave to set completely. (You may put in the fridge once it cools down for quicker setting time)
5. Adjust the thickness of the inner fillings so that it can fit perfectly into the mould. Roughly about 2cm or 2.5cm thickness will do the best trick.
(No picture taken for the above steps. You may refer my previous post on jelly mooncake to see step by step pictures)
Step by Step to make Avocado Outer Skin Layer
1. In a pot, bring water, sugar, pandan leaves & agar-agar powder to a boil. Stirring occasionally.
2. Meanwhile cut avocado into small cubes. Blend avocado flesh with 60ml milk into thick smooth puree.

3. Add in balance of 100ml milk into the blender & continue to blend till mix completely. Don't over blend as it will get too foamy.
4. Discard pandan leaves. Lower the heat & slowly pour blended avocado milk into the agar-agar mixture. Stir to combined.

5. Turn to lowest heat & keep them warm.
5. Now, get ready to assemble the jelly mooncake.
Instructions to assemble the Avocado Soymilk Jelly Mooncake:
Before pouring the jelly mixture into the mould, slightly wet the mould. This is to prevent the mooncake jelly from sticking to the mould and easy removal. It's okay to have some water drops in the mould.
1. Pour 1 cm of the avocado mixture into the mooncake mould. About 1cm - 1.5cm thickness.

2. Leave to cool down until it is almost set.
3. Take out your soymilk inner fillings jelly, carefully remove them from the small cups and place them on a plate.
4. Spoon 1/2 tsp of the avocado mixture in the center of the almost set jelly. (This step is to make sure the soymilk inner filling sticks & holds tightly and not easily separated by layer when you cut them)
5. Carefully & slowly placed the soymilk inner fillings onto the center of the mooncake mould.
6. Next, fill the mooncake mould with more avocado mixture until it's full.

7. Leave to cool and set completely.
8. Transfer them into the fridge to chill for at least 1-2hrs.

9. When ready to serve, remove jelly mooncakes from the mould and cut them into quarters.

TIPS : Do not remove jelly mooncake from the mould until you are ready to eat. Jelly will release some water when oxidize.
Happy Cooking!!
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